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Memphis can expect a brighter future ahead with cycling
By: Michael Lander
Sunshine.... Memphis has a lot of it and the city, on average, has 218 days of sunshine every year, but for Memphis area cyclists,
it may be the future that's looking even brighter than ever. For them, it may be time as Timbuk 3's 1986
song says that "The Future's so Bright, I Gotta Wear Shades."
The future most definitely looks bright for cyclists in and around the city of Memphis
and there's really a lot to be optimistic about and to look forward to in the
years ahead.
With an ever expanding number of bike lanes and trails, connecting to those
that already exist, and the beginning construction of a bike and pedestrian
pathway on the Harahan Bridge over the Mississippi River, cyclists from here and everywhere
will be able to ride their bikes in and around many parts of our city within
just a very few years from now.
Much of the progress that has already been made in a cycling infrastructure,
and the tremendous growth that is expected in the years ahead, can be
attributed, much in part, to the mayor and various other city, business,
philanthropic, and community leaders.
Together, they have all demonstrated their steadfast commitment to
putting the city on the fast track and making it a much more cyclist-friendly
In only a very few number of years their efforts have already paid off in a
really big way, as the Bicycle/Pedestrian Program Manager, Kyle Wagenschutz noted in an article that he wrote entitled, "The Demographics of Cycling in
Bicycle use in Memphis, Wagenschutz said, is increasing at the fastest rate of
growth compared to any other city in Tennessee and, according to the League of American Bicyclists, the city is the 14th fastest
growing city for bicycle commuting in the U.S. between 1990 to 2013. This, he contends, is directly correlated to
the increase in dedicated bicycle infrastructure and this trend, he says, will
likely continue to rise as more is developed.
One of the most positive and encouraging aspects of all this is how many people
will benefit from this, not to mention how many tourists will come to the city
who will want to ride a bike whenever they come here for a visit.
While some might think that some areas or neighborhoods may benefit from this
more than others, Wagenschutz would likely be one of the first to disagree with
anyone who believes that. As he sees it,
city officials have a responsibility to consider the equitable development and
the well-being of all of its residents.
The goal for community-wide inclusiveness may not be better demonstrated than
with the development of a bicycle infrastructure, which Wagenschutz says is one
of the most diverse and truly collaborative efforts that cultivates positive
working relationships between local advocates, neighborhood leaders, city
officials, private developers, and philanthropic organizations.
Cycling, it would seem, may be one of the best ways to bring a community
together for a common good and it can offer health benefits to all Memphians. It is also something that can offer an
alternative way to commute, and it is an activity that can also be done purely
for the enjoyment of it.
With all that Memphis already has in the way of cycling, and will have in the
years ahead, the future could not look any brighter than it does today.
This is a blog by a Memphian who wants to share his unique perspective, along with some interesting facts & information, about cycling in & around the city of Memphis.
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Saturday, October 18, 2014
Cycling can be addictive, but can have a positive effect on your life
Cycling can
be addictive, but can have a positive effect on your life
By: Michael Lander
My heart is pounding. I'm breathing hard and fast and I feel like I'm sweating bullets. I'm tired and sore and I thought, long before this, that I wouldn't be able to keep going.
Even with all this, I could not feel any better because I am a cyclist and this is what I live for.
While the experience may sound a lot like torture, or some sort of medical emergency, rather than anything that might be even remotely fun, cycling for me is something that I truly enjoy and have found to be extremely addictive.
It is a lot like most things that any of us might crave, but it's better and safer for you than many things we might overindulge in, especially any drug.
People often talk of a "runner's high," but I am convinced that there is also a "cyclist's high."
This sensation doesn't come very easily, however. You'll probably never experience this, for instance, on a slow, leisurely bike ride, but if you push yourself to your limit, and to a high enough intensity level, and sustain that for a long enough period of time, a cycling "high" is something that, I happen to believe, can be achieved.
In a Scientific American article by Bethany Brookshire (Scicurious), she says that this "high" or feeling of euphoria may come from the endorphins and endogenous opiods that are naturally released by the body during stress and an intense work-out. This can set up a series of reactions in the brain that can diminish the sense of pain and help make strenuous physical exercise a lot more pleasurable.
In addition to this, according to a study by Georgia Institute of Technology and the University of California, Irvine, among others, the body may also produce something known as an anandamide. This cannabinoid, or lipid molecule, is known to create sensations that are similar to those of THC, the psychoactive element in marijuana.
As the body seems to have a way of minimizing the effects of what you may be putting it through, it is never enough to alleviate every ache and pain that you might feel. Some pain is to be expected. It would not be normal for your body not to react or to respond in some way as a defense mechanism.
For those who ride long and hard, they know that this is something that will happen and eventually it is something that you just become accustomed to and can overcome.
Even though pain can be a consequence of riding a bike, it helps to remember that it is almost always only temporary and that there is a lot of truth in the adage of "no pain, no gain."
It might be easy for some non-cyclists to assume that this has anything to do with someone wanting to intentionally inflict discomfort on themselves, but there really is nothing sadomasochistic about any of this.
For me, it actually has more to do with not letting the pain or discomfort control or deny me of the enjoyment and freedom that I routinely experience on a bike ride. It is this, and how reinvigorated that I feel after I finish a ride that keeps me, and others like me, going back for more.
Aside from the physiological and psychological gratification that comes with cycling, what makes it so great is that it seems to offer something for just about everyone.
Whether you ride just for fun, for a purpose, (commuting to and from places around Memphis), for your health, or to fill a need for speed, or to compete, there are few other sports or activities that can provide so much to so many and to be so good for you.
There are some who might look at those who are really into cycling and see them as being obsessed. Others might say it's more like an addiction or a compulsion, but whatever label that you want to put on it, I, for one, simply can't imagine a life without it.
There are certainly worse things that someone could be hooked on and it just so happens that cycling is my drug of choice. It is an addiction that comes without all the bad side effects that accompany most any drug that you might take.
I have often joked with friends and family that I hate when life gets in the way of my cycling, but in truth, I realize that there is so much more to life than just riding a bike. For me, though, life can always be enhanced, and made so much better by riding, even if it can leave you tired and sore, and drenched in sweat.
I can tolerate just about anything that happens to me on a ride because, like anyone else who works out, any pain or discomfort that I encounter, in a strange way, is a lot like the title of the John Mellencamp song, (it) "Hurts so good."
The only downside to this is that it doesn't seem to last long and after a couple of days of not riding, I seem to experience withdrawals and need to get my fix and get in a good, long bike ride. Only this seems to restore any imbalance or lack of equilibrium that I might have in my life.
For those who are like me, cycling is not really the only thing that we have in our lives, but it is something that we are happy to have as a part of it. It enriches us and keeps us healthy and in touch with the world around us. There are no drugs, that I know of, that can do all that. I have no need for them since I have a bicycle.
With my bike, everything is right in the world.
If you would like to read more about runner's high, which other athletes and cyclists can experience, you may want to read an article entitled, "Yes, Running Can Make You High by Gina Kolata." For additional information, you can also visit
By: Michael Lander
My heart is pounding. I'm breathing hard and fast and I feel like I'm sweating bullets. I'm tired and sore and I thought, long before this, that I wouldn't be able to keep going.
Even with all this, I could not feel any better because I am a cyclist and this is what I live for.
While the experience may sound a lot like torture, or some sort of medical emergency, rather than anything that might be even remotely fun, cycling for me is something that I truly enjoy and have found to be extremely addictive.
It is a lot like most things that any of us might crave, but it's better and safer for you than many things we might overindulge in, especially any drug.
People often talk of a "runner's high," but I am convinced that there is also a "cyclist's high."
This sensation doesn't come very easily, however. You'll probably never experience this, for instance, on a slow, leisurely bike ride, but if you push yourself to your limit, and to a high enough intensity level, and sustain that for a long enough period of time, a cycling "high" is something that, I happen to believe, can be achieved.
In a Scientific American article by Bethany Brookshire (Scicurious), she says that this "high" or feeling of euphoria may come from the endorphins and endogenous opiods that are naturally released by the body during stress and an intense work-out. This can set up a series of reactions in the brain that can diminish the sense of pain and help make strenuous physical exercise a lot more pleasurable.
In addition to this, according to a study by Georgia Institute of Technology and the University of California, Irvine, among others, the body may also produce something known as an anandamide. This cannabinoid, or lipid molecule, is known to create sensations that are similar to those of THC, the psychoactive element in marijuana.
As the body seems to have a way of minimizing the effects of what you may be putting it through, it is never enough to alleviate every ache and pain that you might feel. Some pain is to be expected. It would not be normal for your body not to react or to respond in some way as a defense mechanism.
For those who ride long and hard, they know that this is something that will happen and eventually it is something that you just become accustomed to and can overcome.
Even though pain can be a consequence of riding a bike, it helps to remember that it is almost always only temporary and that there is a lot of truth in the adage of "no pain, no gain."
It might be easy for some non-cyclists to assume that this has anything to do with someone wanting to intentionally inflict discomfort on themselves, but there really is nothing sadomasochistic about any of this.
For me, it actually has more to do with not letting the pain or discomfort control or deny me of the enjoyment and freedom that I routinely experience on a bike ride. It is this, and how reinvigorated that I feel after I finish a ride that keeps me, and others like me, going back for more.
Aside from the physiological and psychological gratification that comes with cycling, what makes it so great is that it seems to offer something for just about everyone.
Whether you ride just for fun, for a purpose, (commuting to and from places around Memphis), for your health, or to fill a need for speed, or to compete, there are few other sports or activities that can provide so much to so many and to be so good for you.
There are some who might look at those who are really into cycling and see them as being obsessed. Others might say it's more like an addiction or a compulsion, but whatever label that you want to put on it, I, for one, simply can't imagine a life without it.
There are certainly worse things that someone could be hooked on and it just so happens that cycling is my drug of choice. It is an addiction that comes without all the bad side effects that accompany most any drug that you might take.
I have often joked with friends and family that I hate when life gets in the way of my cycling, but in truth, I realize that there is so much more to life than just riding a bike. For me, though, life can always be enhanced, and made so much better by riding, even if it can leave you tired and sore, and drenched in sweat.
I can tolerate just about anything that happens to me on a ride because, like anyone else who works out, any pain or discomfort that I encounter, in a strange way, is a lot like the title of the John Mellencamp song, (it) "Hurts so good."
The only downside to this is that it doesn't seem to last long and after a couple of days of not riding, I seem to experience withdrawals and need to get my fix and get in a good, long bike ride. Only this seems to restore any imbalance or lack of equilibrium that I might have in my life.
For those who are like me, cycling is not really the only thing that we have in our lives, but it is something that we are happy to have as a part of it. It enriches us and keeps us healthy and in touch with the world around us. There are no drugs, that I know of, that can do all that. I have no need for them since I have a bicycle.
With my bike, everything is right in the world.
If you would like to read more about runner's high, which other athletes and cyclists can experience, you may want to read an article entitled, "Yes, Running Can Make You High by Gina Kolata." For additional information, you can also visit
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Transportation plans in Memphis will continue to expand to include cyclists and others
Transportation plans in Memphis will continue to expand to include cyclists and others
By: Michael Lander
As with previous incarnations of the regional
bicycle & pedestrian plan, MPO's latest version of this plan remains consistent
in its stated goals, which are ambitious and far-reaching.
For cyclists, it would also help to have more dedicated and protected bike
lanes, more bike stands or racks outside businesses, more investments in bike-related
facilities, a bike share program, and businesses supporting and encouraging
their employees to commute by cycling.
It would also not hurt for there to be public service announcements
(PSA's) to promote and inform the public of how and why they should ride a
The idea of being able to shed all or part of the expense for gas, along with car
maintenance and repair, is certainly something that most people would find appealing. If that were not enough, the aggravation of
bad driving, backed up traffic, the occasional lack of parking spaces and the
added expense of having to pay for parking should be an incentive to try
something else. But for most, the car is not something that they could
live without.
For now, other than cars, which are currently the preferred mode of transportation for commuting around Memphis, there are very limited options beyond that. With the exception of the Memphis Area Transit Authority (MATA) buses and a very small trolley system in downtown Memphis, the city does not really have a substantial mass transit system in place on which most commuters can rely. That leaves most people to fend for themselves on the roadways.
For anyone who is willing and interested in parking their car and commuting by bicycle instead, here are a few simple suggestions for you to consider:
(1) Ride a bike that is simple, sturdy, and strong and doesn't have more on it than you need.
(2) Create a checklist of what you might need on your commute and after you reach your destination, (i.e., a cell phone, small plastic bags for items in case it rains, etc).
(3) Only carry what you need for the ride and whatever else you will want to have or wear after you reach your destination.
(4) Make sure that you have a way to clean up afterward.
(5) Always prepare in advance. Know the route that you will take and be sure to check the weather forecast beforehand.
(6) Frequently check your brakes, tires and chain and carry any tools and other items that will enable you to fix a flat tire and make minor repairs.
(7) Have a way to secure and lock up your bike.
For those who would like to know more, here is a list of websites that will be helpful to anyone wanting to commute by bicycle:,,, and
Even though Americans have had a love affair with the automobile for decades, times are beginning to change. Memphis is on the precipice and is ready to take the leap into the future.
We may be behind some other cities in recognizing and promoting cycling and walking, but with plans like MPO's Regional Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan, we will be quickly joining the ranks of other progressive-minded cities in the nation who have already realized the value and many benefits of non-motorized ways of getting around town.
Even though we may not be the first city to take the lead in this, for those of us who want to see what is best for the city and its residents, we can at least take some solace in knowing that it is always better late than never.
By: Michael Lander
Cars and trucks have ruled the roads for decades. They have, in many ways, played a big part in
helping America become what it is today.
From being one of the primary means of transportation, and an integral part of our
business and commerce, automobiles have long been at the center stage and focus for local,
state, and federal government. Each have concentrated a lot of
their time, attention and budgets to addressing and resolving issues that might impact or impede traffic and commuting.
Fast forward to today, and you will find cities like Memphis that are now, more than ever before, making plans and focusing a lot more
time and attention on cyclists and pedestrians.
Even though this will be a huge benefit
to those who ride a bike or who chose to walk, ultimately, it should also
provide a big payoff to everyone else in the community as well.
Memphis has been called "America's Distribution Center" and a
commercial and transportation hub because it is ideally located in the middle of the country,
along the Mississippi River, and in a place where many railways and highways converge.
This month, the Memphis Metropolitan Planning Organization
(MPO), (which is a regional, multi-jurisdictional
agency responsible for planning and programming of long-range transportation
facilities in the Memphis metropolitan area),
completed a draft of its Regional
Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan.
What is significant about this plan is that it
has the potential to forever change in a positive and dynamic way how we move and get around our city. We will no
longer be constrained by what currently exists today, but we will have
alternatives and choices and ways to switch to various modes of transportation,
which will open opportunities that have not yet been fully realized.
As with previous incarnations of the regional
bicycle & pedestrian plan, MPO's latest version of this plan remains consistent
in its stated goals, which are ambitious and far-reaching.
With this plan, MPO acknowledges the need to balance all available modes
of transportation and to create an integrated, multi-modal strategy that will
allow residents in Memphis and surrounding communities an array of means to get around other than the limited options that we have today.
With the ever-increasing rise and use of motor vehicles, walking and cycling have
literally taken a back seat and have been overlooked as a viable and an
alternative means of transportation.
That has slowly begun to change and Memphis is now looking to encourage
and enhance bicycle and pedestrian travel, which it recognizes as a way to
improve public health and reduce the negative environmental impact of vehicles
with a combustible engine.
In order to achieve any goals of integrating cycling and walking into a workable
and practical transportation plan, however, the city knows that it must resolve
some of the obstacles and road blocks that might hinder this from actually coming
The two main areas that it knows it must look at and address are the
issues of connectivity and accessibility.
Any plan must provide a network that allows cyclists and pedestrians to
efficiently travel from one place to another throughout the city, and there must
be modes of travel that are adequately integrated with other modes of
For cyclists, it would also help to have more dedicated and protected bike
lanes, more bike stands or racks outside businesses, more investments in bike-related
facilities, a bike share program, and businesses supporting and encouraging
their employees to commute by cycling.
It would also not hurt for there to be public service announcements
(PSA's) to promote and inform the public of how and why they should ride a
For some, commuting may simply begin by just riding for fun and recreation and later developing into something more from there. Having an ever-increasing
number of bike lanes and interconnecting trails, and projects like the creation
of a bike and pedestrian pathway on the Harahan Bridge, over the Mississippi River, may be what spurs some people to eventually begin riding for more practical reasons such as traveling to and from work and making trips to the grocery store and so on.
The need for "cleaner" and "environmentally friendly" options, like cycling and walking, in any comprehensive transportation plan could not be any more obvious than they are now. As stated in MPO's bicycle and pedestrian plan, U.S. motor vehicle emissions account for about 31 percent of carbon dioxide, 81 percent of carbon monoxide, and 49 percent of nitrogen oxides. These emissions are known to contribute to lung cancer, heart and lung disease, asthma, and various other lung and respiratory illnesses.
Memphis has earned the unenviable position of
being ranked among the top 20 places in the U.S. that have the greatest amount
of pollution from cars and trucks that regularly contribute to a ground level
ozone. Because of this, in
2010, the American Lung Association gave the Memphis area a "F" grade
for air quality.
MPO sees bicycling and walking as a possible solution for helping to improve
our air quality. Short distance trips on a bike or on foot could help
to reduce some of the vehicular traffic congestion that Memphis area drivers
frequently experience. This, inarguably,
wastes both time and energy resources for everyone involved.
According to MPO, roughly 40 percent of all trips are less than two miles in
length and they contend that this distance could easily be traveled by most during
a ten minute bike ride or a 30 minute walk.
Other than the health benefits of it, MPO believes that one of the distinct
advantages of bicycling and walking is that both are the most affordable means
of transportation for most people. The
average family, they contend, must work for more than six weeks to cover the
cost of operating a car for one year while the cost of operating a bicycle for
a year can be earned in less than one day and walking, of course, does not cost
a thing.
The idea of being able to shed all or part of the expense for gas, along with car
maintenance and repair, is certainly something that most people would find appealing. If that were not enough, the aggravation of
bad driving, backed up traffic, the occasional lack of parking spaces and the
added expense of having to pay for parking should be an incentive to try
something else. But for most, the car is not something that they could
live without.
For most of us, our lives revolve around an automobile. Sometimes it seems that we spend most of our
lives inside of one. We commute to work,
go to the grocery store, and run errands and so much more and it almost always involves
jumping in a car to get there.
though it may not be practical or feasible for everyone to ride a bike or to walk
instead, with better facilities and improvements to accommodate cyclists and
pedestrians, it may be something that more area residents will be able to consider in the future.
For now, other than cars, which are currently the preferred mode of transportation for commuting around Memphis, there are very limited options beyond that. With the exception of the Memphis Area Transit Authority (MATA) buses and a very small trolley system in downtown Memphis, the city does not really have a substantial mass transit system in place on which most commuters can rely. That leaves most people to fend for themselves on the roadways.
The University of Memphis has gotten involved in promoting cycling on its campus by establishing a Tiger Bike Share Program and a Tiger Cycling Club for U of M students, faculty, and employees. |
For anyone who is willing and interested in parking their car and commuting by bicycle instead, here are a few simple suggestions for you to consider:
(1) Ride a bike that is simple, sturdy, and strong and doesn't have more on it than you need.
(2) Create a checklist of what you might need on your commute and after you reach your destination, (i.e., a cell phone, small plastic bags for items in case it rains, etc).
(3) Only carry what you need for the ride and whatever else you will want to have or wear after you reach your destination.
(4) Make sure that you have a way to clean up afterward.
(5) Always prepare in advance. Know the route that you will take and be sure to check the weather forecast beforehand.
(6) Frequently check your brakes, tires and chain and carry any tools and other items that will enable you to fix a flat tire and make minor repairs.
(7) Have a way to secure and lock up your bike.
For those who would like to know more, here is a list of websites that will be helpful to anyone wanting to commute by bicycle:,,, and
Even though Americans have had a love affair with the automobile for decades, times are beginning to change. Memphis is on the precipice and is ready to take the leap into the future.
We may be behind some other cities in recognizing and promoting cycling and walking, but with plans like MPO's Regional Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan, we will be quickly joining the ranks of other progressive-minded cities in the nation who have already realized the value and many benefits of non-motorized ways of getting around town.
Even though we may not be the first city to take the lead in this, for those of us who want to see what is best for the city and its residents, we can at least take some solace in knowing that it is always better late than never.
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Fall is a great time of the year for riding bikes in Memphis
Fall is a
great time of the year for riding bikes in Memphis
By: Michael Lander
It's almost always a good time to ride a bike, but it is especially nice to take a bike ride around Memphis in the fall.
In our part of the world, and for the rest of the Northern Hemisphere for that matter, fall officially begins with the Autumnal equinox on September 22 or 23 and it ends on the Winter solstice on December 21 or 22, but the weather here does not always necessarily coincide with what the calendar might show.
Those who have been around Memphis for very long know that the weather here, especially in the fall, can be as unpredictable and as uncertain as the stock market or a slot machine in a nearby Tunica casino.
As volatile as the weather might seem to be, however, the one thing that makes the fall season a lot more enticing for cyclists are the much cooler temperatures that we have this time of year.
From average high temperatures ranging from 88 to 91 degrees, and heat indexes that can exceed 100 degrees throughout summer months, the Memphis area sees a lot more tolerable weather for cyclists with a lot less heat and humidity by the time that the fall season finally rolls around.
As in the spring, the cooler temperatures in the fall can make bike-riding a whole lot more pleasurable than ever and anyone who is inclined to ride really should not miss the chance to seize the opportunity to take their bikes out and resist the temptation of putting them away too early for winter.
The average high temperature in September is 84 degrees, October is even cooler with an average high of 74, and November is often the harbinger of things to come with frost and chilly temperatures and average highs of 62 degrees and lows hovering around 42.
For those who endure the heat of summer, the cool, crisp autumn air can be a welcoming change as can be the change of scenery.
Beginning in late September and early October, the landscape seems to come alive with leaves changing colors to beautiful shades of orange, red, and yellow with pumpkins, corn stalks, and a wide array of decor celebrating everything that is scary at Halloween to all those things that we have come to associate with, and appreciate about, Thanksgiving.
From the smell of wood-burning fireplaces to the distinctive scent of musty, wet leaves and spent vegetation to the sound of rustling leaves and the crackling sound of the old-dried up leaves as you run over them, there is something very special about riding a bike this time of year. It can be as much of a treat, (and better for you), than anything that may be offered to you on Halloween.
Even though there is so much to experience and to love about the fall, there is little else that can compare to the beauty of the leaves in all their magnificent glory. With bright and bold colors like you might find on an artist's painted canvas, there is hardly anything that is any prettier, at least for the moment, in all of nature.
Riding a bike and seeing and experiencing this as it unfolds before you can truly envelop you and make you feel more a part of your surroundings than ever. If you take the time to enjoy this, and there is no better way to do that than on a bike, you can truly appreciate the momentary beauty before everything fades, withers, and gives way to winter.
Some of the best places to see the beautiful fall foliage in Memphis are on Riverside Drive and on Main Street, but there are plenty of other like Shelby Forest, Overton Park, Shelby Farms, and the various greenlines and greenways, not to mention many neighborhoods from midtown and beyond. If you venture further out from the city, you will also find other great locations to see the fall leaves, like in middle to east Tennessee, north toward Kentucky, south around northern Mississippi, and in the Ozarks in western Arkansas.
Even though other cities may have more trees than Memphis does, the city does have a significant number and variety of trees and an extensive canopy of trees that can be seen from the air.
This year, the city of Memphis received the "Tree City USA," designation from the Arbor Day Foundation and this should mean that Memphis area residents, visitors, and cyclists should have even more beautiful fall leaves to look at and appreciate in the years ahead.
For information on the peak season for fall foliage in the Southeast, here is a link to an article by Sheridan Alexander at For information on how to get started in a fall cycling program, you might want to visit the Rodale website.
By: Michael Lander
It's almost always a good time to ride a bike, but it is especially nice to take a bike ride around Memphis in the fall.
In our part of the world, and for the rest of the Northern Hemisphere for that matter, fall officially begins with the Autumnal equinox on September 22 or 23 and it ends on the Winter solstice on December 21 or 22, but the weather here does not always necessarily coincide with what the calendar might show.
Those who have been around Memphis for very long know that the weather here, especially in the fall, can be as unpredictable and as uncertain as the stock market or a slot machine in a nearby Tunica casino.
As volatile as the weather might seem to be, however, the one thing that makes the fall season a lot more enticing for cyclists are the much cooler temperatures that we have this time of year.
From average high temperatures ranging from 88 to 91 degrees, and heat indexes that can exceed 100 degrees throughout summer months, the Memphis area sees a lot more tolerable weather for cyclists with a lot less heat and humidity by the time that the fall season finally rolls around.
As in the spring, the cooler temperatures in the fall can make bike-riding a whole lot more pleasurable than ever and anyone who is inclined to ride really should not miss the chance to seize the opportunity to take their bikes out and resist the temptation of putting them away too early for winter.
The average high temperature in September is 84 degrees, October is even cooler with an average high of 74, and November is often the harbinger of things to come with frost and chilly temperatures and average highs of 62 degrees and lows hovering around 42.
For those who endure the heat of summer, the cool, crisp autumn air can be a welcoming change as can be the change of scenery.
Beginning in late September and early October, the landscape seems to come alive with leaves changing colors to beautiful shades of orange, red, and yellow with pumpkins, corn stalks, and a wide array of decor celebrating everything that is scary at Halloween to all those things that we have come to associate with, and appreciate about, Thanksgiving.
From the smell of wood-burning fireplaces to the distinctive scent of musty, wet leaves and spent vegetation to the sound of rustling leaves and the crackling sound of the old-dried up leaves as you run over them, there is something very special about riding a bike this time of year. It can be as much of a treat, (and better for you), than anything that may be offered to you on Halloween.
Even though there is so much to experience and to love about the fall, there is little else that can compare to the beauty of the leaves in all their magnificent glory. With bright and bold colors like you might find on an artist's painted canvas, there is hardly anything that is any prettier, at least for the moment, in all of nature.
Riding a bike and seeing and experiencing this as it unfolds before you can truly envelop you and make you feel more a part of your surroundings than ever. If you take the time to enjoy this, and there is no better way to do that than on a bike, you can truly appreciate the momentary beauty before everything fades, withers, and gives way to winter.
There is only a small window in time to be able to see and enjoy the fall colors and it's often the last chance for cyclists to get out and ride before the really cold temperatures of winter set in. |
Some of the best places to see the beautiful fall foliage in Memphis are on Riverside Drive and on Main Street, but there are plenty of other like Shelby Forest, Overton Park, Shelby Farms, and the various greenlines and greenways, not to mention many neighborhoods from midtown and beyond. If you venture further out from the city, you will also find other great locations to see the fall leaves, like in middle to east Tennessee, north toward Kentucky, south around northern Mississippi, and in the Ozarks in western Arkansas.
Even though other cities may have more trees than Memphis does, the city does have a significant number and variety of trees and an extensive canopy of trees that can be seen from the air.
This year, the city of Memphis received the "Tree City USA," designation from the Arbor Day Foundation and this should mean that Memphis area residents, visitors, and cyclists should have even more beautiful fall leaves to look at and appreciate in the years ahead.
For information on the peak season for fall foliage in the Southeast, here is a link to an article by Sheridan Alexander at For information on how to get started in a fall cycling program, you might want to visit the Rodale website.
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
A 24-hour bike ride in Memphis helps raise money and hope for children in need
A 24-hour bike
ride in Memphis helps raise money and hope for children in need
By: Michael Lander
Cycling is a fun and healthy activity for children and adults alike and it would also seem to play a part, at least in one way, in helping children who are in need.
Most of us have a compassionate and caring side for those in need, and children, especially, hold a very special place in our hearts. They can be the biggest and most important part of our lives and they can give us our greatest joy. We often do everything that we can to protect them and to do what we can to keep them happy, healthy, and safe. Sometimes, however, we are not always able to do this alone.
Every day, there are children who are diagnosed with life-threatening diseases and cancer. For them and their families there is a place where they can go to get help in the fight for their lives. That place is St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.
St. Jude is known around the world for what it does and it is unlike any other pediatric treatment and research facility anywhere else. Discoveries made at this life-saving place in downtown Memphis have completely changed how the world of medicine treats children with cancer and other deadly diseases. Researchers there continue to find new, better, and more innovative ways to treat these children every day.
In order for St. Jude to carry out its pioneering research and life-saving care, it relies on donations and on fundraising efforts, which enable it to provide the services and treatment that it is known for. All of this is offered at no cost to any of the families who have children who go there. One of the ways it does this is to host an annual bike ride in downtown Memphis, on Riverside Drive. This year, that bike ride took place on 19 - 20 Sept. 2014.
This bike riding event is a 24-hour team relay bike ride that began at around 6 p.m. on Friday night and lasted until 6 p.m. on Saturday evening. This annual ride raises awareness and money for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, and this year over 300 cyclists participated and raised approximately $136,000.
September is not only a good month to do a ride like this in Memphis, because of the cooler temperatures, but it is also recognized nationally as Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.
This was my first time to participate in this event and I joined a team, known as the "Gray Falcons," which was led by a man whom I have known and long admired, Lt Col (Ret) Billy Privette. Besides me and our team captain, the other member of our team was a man of many talents and abilities, Lt Col (Ret) Gary Jewel. The three of us are all retired members of the Tennessee Air National Guard and, even though we were few in number, collectively, our three-man team raised a total of $4,845.
I signed up for this ride just weeks before it took place and I dedicated my ride to a sweet, little girl, Alexandria Page Whittington. Alexandria was a flower girl in my wedding in 1991 and she was a patient at St. Jude for most of her life. Even though this beautiful child did not survive the cancer that eventually ended her life far too soon, she will live forever in the hearts of those who knew and loved her, and she will always remain an inspiration to me and others for the courage and strength that she had as she so bravely fought during her life.
Of the approximate 300 cyclists who rode in this year's event, most were on teams and only one member of each team could be on the nearly three mile route on Riverside Drive at any given time. The route looped around Riverside with a place to turn around near West Georgia Ave. to the south and Jefferson Ave. to the north. Cyclists were tracked by a timing chip that showed the time and the number of laps that each person had ridden on the course, which was monitored by Start 2 Finish Event Management.
At one time or another, you could find cyclists riding everything from unicycles, to mountain bikes, cruisers, Townie bikes, BMX bikes, Cyclo-cross, road bikes, and more. Some of the cyclists were riding a nice slow, leisurely pace while others looked like they were in the Tour de France and were traveling at speeds that were easily in excess of 25 mph.
Participants and teams earned awards for the most laps completed in the solo, (male and female), two-person, (male and female), co-ed, and all male, female and co-ed team divisions. These and the top fundraisers were all recognized during the closing ceremonies on Saturday night.
Throughout this 24-hour event, there was live music from groups like CCDE, Dead Soldiers, The Band Droids, Yearwood and Ford, and Freeworld. Food was provided by Lucchesi's, Lost Pizza Co., Dominos, Chick-fil-A, Wade & Company Catering, Moe's Southwestern Grill, and McAlisters.
Participants could come and go as they wanted to or they had the choice to camp out in Tom Lee Park for the night.
I had a lot of fun on this ride, myself, and I met some wonderful people from St. Jude as well as some of the other cyclists and those who were there working as volunteers for this event. I also achieved some personal bests, riding a total of 140.38 miles and riding continuously (non-stop) from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. on my aluminum-framed Trek hybrid bike during this 24-hour team relay bike ride. I did not get much sleep, (only about two hours, if that), but we kept someone on our three-man team on the road for most of the 24 hours.
I was happy that I was able to do this ride, and was able to do my part for my team and for St. Jude, getting and surpassing the century mark, with a body that is over half a century old. Even though I had personal success that I am proud of, I was especially pleased that I was even able do this, or any other ride, at all.
It was almost exactly a year ago that I experienced a terrible injury and break to my left arm and it was only earlier this year that a MRI revealed that I had three bulging discs in my neck. Two years ago, (on Labor day weekend), I also had to be treated for severe disc problems in my middle and lower back that required a trip to the emergency room where I received shots of morphine just to alleviate the excruciating and debilitating pain.
In spite of any of the physical issues that I have faced over the years, I was elated that I was able to overcome them and was still able to ride as long and as hard as I did during this event, but the most moving and touching moments of all for me on this bike ride weren't the ones involving me. Instead, it was moments like the one when I listened to a sweet little girl, (who is a cancer survivor, and a former patient at St. Jude), who sang the National Anthem Friday evening and seeing another beautiful, little girl who St. Jude helped save, who was smiling and cheering for us as we rode by her.
Even though it does feel great to have people rooting and clapping for you on a ride, I really felt like it was I who should have been cheering for this precious child, and others like her at St. Jude. It is for children like her, after all, that we do rides like this and it's what makes this ride especially meaningful for those who do it.
For those who might be interested in seeing what this ride looked like from the perspective of a cyclist, here is a video that I shot during this event: 2014 St Jude Bike Ride. For those who would like to know more about St. Jude and the ride itself, here is a link to their website: For further information, you can contact the Regional Event Specialist, Lee Bobo, at 901-373-5051.
By: Michael Lander
Cycling is a fun and healthy activity for children and adults alike and it would also seem to play a part, at least in one way, in helping children who are in need.
Most of us have a compassionate and caring side for those in need, and children, especially, hold a very special place in our hearts. They can be the biggest and most important part of our lives and they can give us our greatest joy. We often do everything that we can to protect them and to do what we can to keep them happy, healthy, and safe. Sometimes, however, we are not always able to do this alone.
Every day, there are children who are diagnosed with life-threatening diseases and cancer. For them and their families there is a place where they can go to get help in the fight for their lives. That place is St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.
St. Jude is known around the world for what it does and it is unlike any other pediatric treatment and research facility anywhere else. Discoveries made at this life-saving place in downtown Memphis have completely changed how the world of medicine treats children with cancer and other deadly diseases. Researchers there continue to find new, better, and more innovative ways to treat these children every day.
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Riverside Drive is one of the most scenic spots in Memphis and it's an ideal location for an event like the St. Jude Bike Ride. |
In order for St. Jude to carry out its pioneering research and life-saving care, it relies on donations and on fundraising efforts, which enable it to provide the services and treatment that it is known for. All of this is offered at no cost to any of the families who have children who go there. One of the ways it does this is to host an annual bike ride in downtown Memphis, on Riverside Drive. This year, that bike ride took place on 19 - 20 Sept. 2014.
This bike riding event is a 24-hour team relay bike ride that began at around 6 p.m. on Friday night and lasted until 6 p.m. on Saturday evening. This annual ride raises awareness and money for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, and this year over 300 cyclists participated and raised approximately $136,000.
September is not only a good month to do a ride like this in Memphis, because of the cooler temperatures, but it is also recognized nationally as Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.
This was my first time to participate in this event and I joined a team, known as the "Gray Falcons," which was led by a man whom I have known and long admired, Lt Col (Ret) Billy Privette. Besides me and our team captain, the other member of our team was a man of many talents and abilities, Lt Col (Ret) Gary Jewel. The three of us are all retired members of the Tennessee Air National Guard and, even though we were few in number, collectively, our three-man team raised a total of $4,845.
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For some participants in the 2014 St. Jude Bike Ride, it's all about the speed, but for others is is more about taking a slow and steady pace with a focus on endurance. |
I signed up for this ride just weeks before it took place and I dedicated my ride to a sweet, little girl, Alexandria Page Whittington. Alexandria was a flower girl in my wedding in 1991 and she was a patient at St. Jude for most of her life. Even though this beautiful child did not survive the cancer that eventually ended her life far too soon, she will live forever in the hearts of those who knew and loved her, and she will always remain an inspiration to me and others for the courage and strength that she had as she so bravely fought during her life.
Of the approximate 300 cyclists who rode in this year's event, most were on teams and only one member of each team could be on the nearly three mile route on Riverside Drive at any given time. The route looped around Riverside with a place to turn around near West Georgia Ave. to the south and Jefferson Ave. to the north. Cyclists were tracked by a timing chip that showed the time and the number of laps that each person had ridden on the course, which was monitored by Start 2 Finish Event Management.
At one time or another, you could find cyclists riding everything from unicycles, to mountain bikes, cruisers, Townie bikes, BMX bikes, Cyclo-cross, road bikes, and more. Some of the cyclists were riding a nice slow, leisurely pace while others looked like they were in the Tour de France and were traveling at speeds that were easily in excess of 25 mph.
Participants and teams earned awards for the most laps completed in the solo, (male and female), two-person, (male and female), co-ed, and all male, female and co-ed team divisions. These and the top fundraisers were all recognized during the closing ceremonies on Saturday night.
Throughout this 24-hour event, there was live music from groups like CCDE, Dead Soldiers, The Band Droids, Yearwood and Ford, and Freeworld. Food was provided by Lucchesi's, Lost Pizza Co., Dominos, Chick-fil-A, Wade & Company Catering, Moe's Southwestern Grill, and McAlisters.
Participants could come and go as they wanted to or they had the choice to camp out in Tom Lee Park for the night.
I had a lot of fun on this ride, myself, and I met some wonderful people from St. Jude as well as some of the other cyclists and those who were there working as volunteers for this event. I also achieved some personal bests, riding a total of 140.38 miles and riding continuously (non-stop) from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. on my aluminum-framed Trek hybrid bike during this 24-hour team relay bike ride. I did not get much sleep, (only about two hours, if that), but we kept someone on our three-man team on the road for most of the 24 hours.
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Three hundred cyclists participated in this year's St. Jude Bike Ride raising awareness and thousands of dollars for the kids at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. |
I was happy that I was able to do this ride, and was able to do my part for my team and for St. Jude, getting and surpassing the century mark, with a body that is over half a century old. Even though I had personal success that I am proud of, I was especially pleased that I was even able do this, or any other ride, at all.
It was almost exactly a year ago that I experienced a terrible injury and break to my left arm and it was only earlier this year that a MRI revealed that I had three bulging discs in my neck. Two years ago, (on Labor day weekend), I also had to be treated for severe disc problems in my middle and lower back that required a trip to the emergency room where I received shots of morphine just to alleviate the excruciating and debilitating pain.
In spite of any of the physical issues that I have faced over the years, I was elated that I was able to overcome them and was still able to ride as long and as hard as I did during this event, but the most moving and touching moments of all for me on this bike ride weren't the ones involving me. Instead, it was moments like the one when I listened to a sweet little girl, (who is a cancer survivor, and a former patient at St. Jude), who sang the National Anthem Friday evening and seeing another beautiful, little girl who St. Jude helped save, who was smiling and cheering for us as we rode by her.
Even though it does feel great to have people rooting and clapping for you on a ride, I really felt like it was I who should have been cheering for this precious child, and others like her at St. Jude. It is for children like her, after all, that we do rides like this and it's what makes this ride especially meaningful for those who do it.
For those who might be interested in seeing what this ride looked like from the perspective of a cyclist, here is a video that I shot during this event: 2014 St Jude Bike Ride. For those who would like to know more about St. Jude and the ride itself, here is a link to their website: For further information, you can contact the Regional Event Specialist, Lee Bobo, at 901-373-5051.
Friday, September 12, 2014
For cyclists like Benjie Kabakoff, bicycling is very much an integral part of their lives
For cyclists like Benjie Kabakoff, bicycling is very
much an integral part of their lives
By: Michael Lander
For David "Benjie" Kabakoff, cycling is, and has almost always been, a very big part of his life.
Kabakoff was born in Whitehaven, (before it was incorporated into Memphis) in the mid-1950's. His introduction to cycling began in what some might see as a rather inauspicious start. His dad, who was a WWII veteran, decided that the best way to begin teaching him and his older sister how to ride a bike was by setting the two of them up on a small grassy hill, on a bike without training wheels, and giving them a good push to get them going.
"I don't recall much about it other than we quickly learned to stay upright," Kabakoff said.
Years later, when he was of driving age, Kabakoff recalled that instead of wanting to drive a car, like most other kids his age, all that he really wanted was to get a Schwinn Varsity Sport bicycle. Even though he did learn to drive, Kabakoff said that he spent much of his time riding his bike all over Memphis from Whitehaven to East Memphis, to Boxtown (near Chucalissa), to downtown where his dad's store was, and even across the bridge to West Memphis, Ark.
As you might expect from someone who is really into cycling, in his senior year (in 1971) at Hillcrest High School, Kabakoff chose to write a research paper that only a true cyclist would find interesting - Derailleur Lightweights and Increasing Use of Bicycles in the United States. He optically scanned his paper to editable text and it was published on the website of Memphis' only bicycle club - the Memphis Hightailers.
(This is a link to what he wrote:
Kabakoff attended Tulane University in his freshman year and, even though he readily concedes that it was not exactly a bike-friendly time back then, he rode his bicycle all over New Orleans.
"I used to even race the trolleys on St. Charles Ave.," he said.
Kabakoff had even dreamed of riding his bicycles from New Orleans to Memphis, but it was a dream that he has yet to fulfill.
Like many other avid cyclists, Kabakoff rode his bike even when he probably should not have, including the time when he rode to a doctor's appointment in New Orleans. The campus infirmary could not detect that he had mononucleosis, but the doctor determined that he indeed had it, which explained why he felt so tired all the time.
In spite of this, he continued to ride anyway and maybe in some way it confirmed the old saying that, "what doesn't kill you, will only make you stronger."
Kabakoff finished his college education at Rhodes, (which was Southwestern at Memphis at the time), and in his senior year there, he regularly rode his bicycle to school. He continued to ride until he began his early career at Baptist Hospital. After reporting a problem with a sprained knee, an orthopedic surgeon advised him to go easy on his knees and he decided not to ride his bike too much after that.
For years, Kabakoff stayed away from riding and picked up other activities like swimming, but it was on the advice of a friend and current swim coach at Memphis Jewish Community Center (MJCC), Danny Fadgen, who said that bicycles had vastly improved since he last rode that prompted to to ride again. He went out, and bought the lowest end Specialized Allez road bike that was available.
Even though he only planned to ride around the neighborhood, Kabakoff said that during his first year back to riding, (either late 2002 or 2003), he rode over 3,000 miles and he didn't even have an odometer for the first month or two.
Upon returning to cycling after a short hiatus, Kabakoff has remained dedicated to an activity that he truly came to love as a child. He likes to joke that after years of unsuccessful therapy, that he is still addicted to it to this day.
In 2004, Kabakoff wanted to take his cycling to a more competitive level. He felt like he was fast and he wanted to see just how well he could do against others, especially after he bought a fast bicycle. That bicycle was a custom-made Serotta with Campagnolo Record components.
It was on that bike that he participated in a few Senior Games (Olympics) in which he did well at the local and state level. He is modest about it and says that it was only because the most competitive cyclists did not show up at the events.
In 2007, Kabakoff was in the National Senior Games and said that he went into it with the stated goal of not coming in last place or getting injured in the process. He readily admits that he easily met his goals.
Since then, Kabakoff said that he is not at all interested in racing anymore. He was mainly doing it, he said, to see how well he ranked against others. These days, he believes that there is too much of an emphasis on competition in cycling.
"There is much more to be gained in riding slower, more safely, and enjoying the scenery," he said.
Along with cycling itself, Kabakoff also seems to enjoy doing bicycle maintenance and repair. He took a few maintenance classes at Revolutions Bicycle Co-Op just to see what I could learn and, in November 2010, he attended a series of classes at from Tony Griffin at Bikes Plus.
When it comes to doing maintenance and repairs, Kabakoff knew that he would never learn how to do it unless he went ahead and got the tools that he needed. He considers the purchase of a few hundred dollars worth of tools a great investment as it allows him to make customized adjustments and one that satisfies his curiosity about the mechanical aspects of the bicycle.
Even though monetary savings are possible, this is not the primary motivation for him. Local bike shops remain an important part of the maintenance process for him in getting advice, parts, and alternative support for advanced and unusual type of repairs.
After Hurricane Katrina in 2005, when President Bush encouraged Americans not to drive unless they had to, Kabakoff started commuting and has not stopped since then. He rides throughout the entire year from the oppressive heat of summer to the bone-chilling cold of winter.
Until he decided to do this, he was mostly doing recreational cycling, but he found that he could combine this with an element of practicality by commuting as frequently as he possibly could. He quickly discovered that he could ride short distances and go to the grocery store, shopping, and carry heavy loads with an inexpensive NashbarCargo Trailer.
He learned many of the tricks of commuting on a bike from various articles in Bicycling Magazine and other periodicals. One of these tricks that he picked up involved learning to adjust his travel routes according to anticipated traffic conditions.
When he does drive to work, (which is at Baptist Hospital), he typically takes clothing (scrubs) to and from work. He then carries only what is essential when he commutes via a bicycle; however, if necessary, he has also found that it is possible to load up everything that he needs in a back pack and carry that with him on his bike.
He routinely tries to arrive at work approximately 30 minutes early. That additional time leaves him with plenty of time should he encounter any problems along the way, such as a flat tire, and, during warmer weather, it gives him sufficient time to cool off and to wipe away any sweat that he might have on him.
One of the most anxiety-producing events for Kabakoff is the possibility of getting a flat during winter months. As anyone who is out in the cold long enough knows, the cold temperatures make trying to do things with your fingers a real challenge. For that, he recommends Bar Mitts, which he sees as the best passive device for keeping the hands warm. For the most part, his commutes are rarely over an hour in the winter time, and his hands quickly recover with the use of the Bar Mitts.
For commuting, Kabakoff uses regular shoes with regular pedals and his commuting bike is the Specialized Allez road bike that he got over a decade ago. The bike has had almost every part replaced on it, (some of which have been replaced several times), except for the handlebars and the frame.
When he parks his bicycle at the grocery store, and elsewhere, he typically leans the cart and bicycle alongside the racks designed for people to leave the shopping baskets. From there, he locks the bicycle up with a cheap lock and a cable and bicycle alarms that he purchased in bulk from for about $4 each.
For the last two years, Kabakoff has split the mileage between his car and his bicycle at approximately 7,000 miles each. This year, he said, his mileage may be somewhere around 6,000 miles.
Kabakoff, like other avid cyclists in Memphis, is happy with some of the recent developments and changes in our river city and how much more cycling-friendly it has become. He is particularly appreciative of Memphis Mayor A.C. Wharton and his implementation of cycling facilities.
For cyclists like Kabakoff, it is a good time to be a cyclist in Memphis and the future looks bright for him and others who love to ride a bike in our city.
By: Michael Lander
Benjie Kabakoff has been riding bikes for most of his life and has ridden on a recreational and competitive level and now regularly commutes in and around Memphis by bicycle. |
For David "Benjie" Kabakoff, cycling is, and has almost always been, a very big part of his life.
Kabakoff was born in Whitehaven, (before it was incorporated into Memphis) in the mid-1950's. His introduction to cycling began in what some might see as a rather inauspicious start. His dad, who was a WWII veteran, decided that the best way to begin teaching him and his older sister how to ride a bike was by setting the two of them up on a small grassy hill, on a bike without training wheels, and giving them a good push to get them going.
"I don't recall much about it other than we quickly learned to stay upright," Kabakoff said.
Years later, when he was of driving age, Kabakoff recalled that instead of wanting to drive a car, like most other kids his age, all that he really wanted was to get a Schwinn Varsity Sport bicycle. Even though he did learn to drive, Kabakoff said that he spent much of his time riding his bike all over Memphis from Whitehaven to East Memphis, to Boxtown (near Chucalissa), to downtown where his dad's store was, and even across the bridge to West Memphis, Ark.
As you might expect from someone who is really into cycling, in his senior year (in 1971) at Hillcrest High School, Kabakoff chose to write a research paper that only a true cyclist would find interesting - Derailleur Lightweights and Increasing Use of Bicycles in the United States. He optically scanned his paper to editable text and it was published on the website of Memphis' only bicycle club - the Memphis Hightailers.
(This is a link to what he wrote:
Kabakoff attended Tulane University in his freshman year and, even though he readily concedes that it was not exactly a bike-friendly time back then, he rode his bicycle all over New Orleans.
"I used to even race the trolleys on St. Charles Ave.," he said.
Kabakoff had even dreamed of riding his bicycles from New Orleans to Memphis, but it was a dream that he has yet to fulfill.
Like many other avid cyclists, Kabakoff rode his bike even when he probably should not have, including the time when he rode to a doctor's appointment in New Orleans. The campus infirmary could not detect that he had mononucleosis, but the doctor determined that he indeed had it, which explained why he felt so tired all the time.
In spite of this, he continued to ride anyway and maybe in some way it confirmed the old saying that, "what doesn't kill you, will only make you stronger."
Kabakoff finished his college education at Rhodes, (which was Southwestern at Memphis at the time), and in his senior year there, he regularly rode his bicycle to school. He continued to ride until he began his early career at Baptist Hospital. After reporting a problem with a sprained knee, an orthopedic surgeon advised him to go easy on his knees and he decided not to ride his bike too much after that.
For years, Kabakoff stayed away from riding and picked up other activities like swimming, but it was on the advice of a friend and current swim coach at Memphis Jewish Community Center (MJCC), Danny Fadgen, who said that bicycles had vastly improved since he last rode that prompted to to ride again. He went out, and bought the lowest end Specialized Allez road bike that was available.
Even though he only planned to ride around the neighborhood, Kabakoff said that during his first year back to riding, (either late 2002 or 2003), he rode over 3,000 miles and he didn't even have an odometer for the first month or two.
Upon returning to cycling after a short hiatus, Kabakoff has remained dedicated to an activity that he truly came to love as a child. He likes to joke that after years of unsuccessful therapy, that he is still addicted to it to this day.
In 2004, Kabakoff wanted to take his cycling to a more competitive level. He felt like he was fast and he wanted to see just how well he could do against others, especially after he bought a fast bicycle. That bicycle was a custom-made Serotta with Campagnolo Record components.
It was on that bike that he participated in a few Senior Games (Olympics) in which he did well at the local and state level. He is modest about it and says that it was only because the most competitive cyclists did not show up at the events.
In 2007, Kabakoff was in the National Senior Games and said that he went into it with the stated goal of not coming in last place or getting injured in the process. He readily admits that he easily met his goals.
Since then, Kabakoff said that he is not at all interested in racing anymore. He was mainly doing it, he said, to see how well he ranked against others. These days, he believes that there is too much of an emphasis on competition in cycling.
"There is much more to be gained in riding slower, more safely, and enjoying the scenery," he said.
Along with cycling itself, Kabakoff also seems to enjoy doing bicycle maintenance and repair. He took a few maintenance classes at Revolutions Bicycle Co-Op just to see what I could learn and, in November 2010, he attended a series of classes at from Tony Griffin at Bikes Plus.
When it comes to doing maintenance and repairs, Kabakoff knew that he would never learn how to do it unless he went ahead and got the tools that he needed. He considers the purchase of a few hundred dollars worth of tools a great investment as it allows him to make customized adjustments and one that satisfies his curiosity about the mechanical aspects of the bicycle.
Even though monetary savings are possible, this is not the primary motivation for him. Local bike shops remain an important part of the maintenance process for him in getting advice, parts, and alternative support for advanced and unusual type of repairs.
After Hurricane Katrina in 2005, when President Bush encouraged Americans not to drive unless they had to, Kabakoff started commuting and has not stopped since then. He rides throughout the entire year from the oppressive heat of summer to the bone-chilling cold of winter.
Until he decided to do this, he was mostly doing recreational cycling, but he found that he could combine this with an element of practicality by commuting as frequently as he possibly could. He quickly discovered that he could ride short distances and go to the grocery store, shopping, and carry heavy loads with an inexpensive NashbarCargo Trailer.
He learned many of the tricks of commuting on a bike from various articles in Bicycling Magazine and other periodicals. One of these tricks that he picked up involved learning to adjust his travel routes according to anticipated traffic conditions.
When he does drive to work, (which is at Baptist Hospital), he typically takes clothing (scrubs) to and from work. He then carries only what is essential when he commutes via a bicycle; however, if necessary, he has also found that it is possible to load up everything that he needs in a back pack and carry that with him on his bike.
He routinely tries to arrive at work approximately 30 minutes early. That additional time leaves him with plenty of time should he encounter any problems along the way, such as a flat tire, and, during warmer weather, it gives him sufficient time to cool off and to wipe away any sweat that he might have on him.
One of the most anxiety-producing events for Kabakoff is the possibility of getting a flat during winter months. As anyone who is out in the cold long enough knows, the cold temperatures make trying to do things with your fingers a real challenge. For that, he recommends Bar Mitts, which he sees as the best passive device for keeping the hands warm. For the most part, his commutes are rarely over an hour in the winter time, and his hands quickly recover with the use of the Bar Mitts.
For commuting, Kabakoff uses regular shoes with regular pedals and his commuting bike is the Specialized Allez road bike that he got over a decade ago. The bike has had almost every part replaced on it, (some of which have been replaced several times), except for the handlebars and the frame.
When he parks his bicycle at the grocery store, and elsewhere, he typically leans the cart and bicycle alongside the racks designed for people to leave the shopping baskets. From there, he locks the bicycle up with a cheap lock and a cable and bicycle alarms that he purchased in bulk from for about $4 each.
For the last two years, Kabakoff has split the mileage between his car and his bicycle at approximately 7,000 miles each. This year, he said, his mileage may be somewhere around 6,000 miles.
Kabakoff, like other avid cyclists in Memphis, is happy with some of the recent developments and changes in our river city and how much more cycling-friendly it has become. He is particularly appreciative of Memphis Mayor A.C. Wharton and his implementation of cycling facilities.
For cyclists like Kabakoff, it is a good time to be a cyclist in Memphis and the future looks bright for him and others who love to ride a bike in our city.
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